Okay, I'm officially starting to get more nauseous throughout the day. The trend is when I start to get hungry. This means, obviously, I need to eat on a regular basis if I dont wanna feel like I'm gonna throw up every few seconds. :::sigh::: I'm gonna get so big this time around. haha
On another note,
I'm starting to get paranoid about my kidneys. Most of you may remember how it put me in the hospital when I was pregnant with K, for 3 days. Three miserable days. It was by far the worst pain of my entire life. When you are constantly throwing up from the pain...it's bad. After that I was due to see my midwife every week, along with getting an ultrasound weekly because Kadence had low fluids, and I went into preterm labor four seperate times. I'm paranoid because once you start having kidney problems during pregnancy, they progressively get worse. I was always being monitored for it and to this day my kidneys are shot.

Wish me luck. The thought of having to go through another kidney stone/infection episode sends chills down my spine.
after reading this post you are DEFINITLY having another girl!!!! Sounds like Mia all the way!
HaHa sshh but I got sick a TON with Kadence too. No morning sickness at all with Ethan. I got so lucky. K? 7-13 weeks of HELL. Blech.
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