I passed a kidney stone! Who would have thought that someone would feel so accomplished, over something so weird? haha Your prayers really do work. Each time I've asked for them, miracles happen! Just like when I asked for prayers that Kadence not get a cold...she ended up not getting one! I only hope that this week brings good results from your prayers as well. I just got home from doing my second HCG level check. :::crossing fingers for no phone calls this week:::
In other news, Kadence has thrush and I have the breast version...again. Jim and I realized it last night when she started crying during her feedings a lot, and I've had breast pain for over a week now. Lovely. So today has been a focus on fixing that.
I'm pretty much done with breastfeeding now. I'm gonna have to wean. My midwife was very stern about it on Friday when we talked about a potential miscarriage. Said if I start cramping up again I MUST wean. The worry of that, and the worry of getting more infections, is enough to make the decision to finally do it. Should be interesting!
Kindness is love in action
16 years ago
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