It was a very vague appointment. The specific Midwife I seen today has a knack for being brief and almost careless with her appointments. I hated seeing her while I was pregnant with Kadence, and ironically enough she's who delivered her! I pray that Sharon or Carrie delivers me this time. Yes, you read that right...lots of optimism now. Regardless if my Midwife gave us some false hope or not, she still gave us hope.
There was no heartbeat on the outside, but I got an internal ultrasound and seen the baby going haywire. It was SO active. haha She had to wait a good 5 minutes to get any kind of reading. Jimmy found it quite humorous and was beyond excited. He still is.
The big news is on this ultrasound I showed up 9w5d! That is only two days behind. She told us that we cant get excited yet, because she did just a quick guess, but next appointment I'll have a new due date. She's going to call the ER doctor we seen and talk things over with her. She wasnt too concerned with the baby falling behind after that.
On the bleeding front, she said I'm not in the clear until the first trimester is over. She said she's seen lots of success with what I've got, so to be positive.
So overall we are going to block out a lot of the miscarriage talk and expect our new baby next May as planned!
P.S. No weight gain yet.
YAY on positive news! :)
I'm so glad you guys got some good news!!
ps, you've been tagged on my blog
Amber I think about you guys all the time and I've been praying for you guys. I'm so glad that there is hope. My heart was hurting for you guys when it sounded like something was wrong.
Take care!
Amy Marie
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