17 September 2008

...Oh thank heavens...

Morning sickness bands! What a lifesaver! Its a form of acupuncture, and surprisingly it works. I didnt try them with Kadence because I thought they would just be a waste of money. This time I was willing to try anything though, and I'm glad I did! I have to wear one on each wrist at the same time, and they arent very pretty, but I dont really care at this point. haha I can function again and if I have to look ridiculous for a little bit...I'm all for it =)

My first appointment is still nine days away. I feel like I've been waiting forever to get in! I now have an insurance card though for my medical, which is great!

Sickness is running through my house now. Ethan caught a pretty bad cold and is home from school today because of it =( Pray nobody else gets it! Especially Kadence! So far she's only caught one tiny cold since birth and I'm hoping it stays that way until she's at least a year old. High hopes, I know.

1 comment:

LdybugSammi said...

are they like those sea-band things? for motion sickness? I tried them with Mia and the helped a little bit in the car and stuff but that was about it. Glad you found some relief!