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...How I'm feeling...
Overall, this has been my best pregnancy (to date). When reading my journals from Kadence and Ethan, I realize this has been quite an easy ride so far. With both kiddos I had severe cramping issues (which I always end up worried about, go figure). This time around I have had minimal cramping, although I was still concerned about it when I first found out I was preggo. I also am far less tired than I appeared to be with the other two. I'm still exhausted, dont get me wrong, but only on certain days. Most days I am perfectly fine. I also have no morning sickness yet, and I was miserable for several weeks with K! Usually, I dont even feel pregnant, which is great! On the days I feel it know. haha
Breastfeeding kills. Nipple soreness set in last week and each time she latches on I cringe. I refuse to give up though. She deserves the full year, and I am not going to take that away from her. I have read up on Tandem Nursing, and the advantages and disadvantages of it. I am capable of doing it, and anyone that judges me can kiss my arse =) By the time my milk starts to change in flavor, she will be ready to wean anyways. So it will all work out perfect! It is not fair for me to take this away from her.
The bigger question is, will I breastfeed the next one? I love doing it, dont get me wrong, but it has been quite the rollercoaster for me. The first month and a half I was in tears most of the time, and ended up with Mastitis to boot. I have aquired Mastitis once and three yeast infections. Do I really want to put myself through this again? The bond I have with Kadence is unbreakable, and if it didnt come with all the drawbacks I wouldnt even question this. So many decisions to make. I am about being all natural, but do I think I can handle the 'sick days' with three kids in the house, now?
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