04 September 2008

...Belly shot: 4-6 weeks...

5 weeks down, only 35 to go!

It makes me sad to think I started my pregnancy with Kadence 8 lbs smaller! Once I had her, I dropped the weight pretty quickly. Not as quick as I did with Ethan, cause I dropped 17 lbs immediately. Within about 3 weeks after K though I was into my pre-preggo pants and back at my starting weight. Then I slowly started gaining again because I had to constantly eat for breastfeeding purposes. I tried to diet, but when you breastfeed the only thing you can go on is the "Fat Free" diet which SUCKS! It's so hard to do. Everything has fat in it, yet I was supposed to eat 1800+ calories a day! Everyone remarks that it must be my boobs that hold the extra weight, but if you look at me 5 weeks preggo with K, versus now, I'm just a smidge bigger (as I suspected all along!).

I know it sounds shallow. I hear often that I shouldnt complain because I am still skinny, but we are our own worst critics. I should be thanking my lucky stars that Ethan left me only a couple tiny stretch marks, and Kadence left me with none.

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