04 September 2008

...Just do it!...

I have a lot of friends considering TTC. I want them all to go through with it, but not because I want someone 'to be pregnant with.' I hate that kind of reasoning to have a baby, honestly. It's selfish, in my opinion. Sorry. I simply think the new additions would be perfect for all three families involved. If you are reading this, and you are one of my closest friends that is considering having a baby, just doooo it! There is never a right time. You are never going to have enough money. Your careers will be there waiting for you. If this is what you truely want, go for it. There is nothing more rewarding than being a mother, and the more children you have...the more love you bring into your home!

Tomorrow starts the journey of getting my Midwife set up, instead of going to Madigan. Army hospitals are not my thing. I realized this when I had Ethan. Way to impersonal, and they are all about meds, meds, meds! I intend on having another natural pregnancy, with no meds (not even a tylenol!), and an even more natural labor (again without even an IV!). It is what is best for my children. I dont need a doctor breathing down my neck and pushing me to get an epidural because its less work for them. Ugh, I better not even get started. haha

I do go in to get enrolled into DEERS tomorrow though (Tricare insurance), and I will also be getting my military ID card. It's gonna be a looooong day. Wish us luck, because I'm sure we will be waiting in line foreeeeever.

1 comment:

LdybugSammi said...

I agree! You are NEVER ready for a baby, even if you think you are!

ps I left you an award on my blog