04 December 2008

...Update, finally...

Sorry I havent updated in so long. Holy Lifetime Drama, Batman. Some of you know the circumstances, some don't. To put it simple I thank God that today was uneventful.

Lets start back with my last post. I had mentioned then about my headaches and severe fatigue. I was unable to function and had to put a lot of my everyday activities on hold for about two weeks. I didn't want to be a nuisance like I was with my last pregnancy, so I was trying to wait things out until my Midwife appt on December 3rd. I won't do that again though. I should have paid attention to warning signs, but was one of those 'people' who try to self diagnose based on guesses and internet searches. Due to my last appt discussions of my iron being borderline anemic, I figured I just had low iron. I also though my extreme dizziness was due to my blood pressure because I have had a history of pregnancy hypertension.

Through the final two weeks before my Midwife appt I pushed through rather well. Started taking a prenatal with more iron and due to the caotic issues in my life had to push on no matter how I felt. The only real problems I had were with my dizziness with white blindness (things turn white, other times I see a million white spots) and I had a hard time breathing cause my chest hurt, but I figured my blood pressure was just high cause of the stress. About a week before I went in though I realized the significant change in my weight though. I had lost exactly ten pounds! I have no idea why, either. I felt I ate a ton more than usual and I had even taken a belly picture just hours before weighing myself because I felt I was showing a bit more. One friend encouraged me it was stress related, while others frantically worried. I just ended up going with the stress idea because I had been through HELL the past two weeks and chalked it off to something else I needed to talk to my Midwife about.

Fast forward to my appt which was yesterday, finally. First thing they realized was my weight, go figure. Karen sat me down and was ready to discuss extreme morning sickness with me, thinking I had been horribly sick the past month to lose so much weight. No =( She then asked me about my eating habits and I told her how I had been eating MUCH more and I do not know why it's doing this. She then stated "just tell me you are eating healthier meals then and not so much junk, so that I can stop worrying. By next week I want to see some weight on you." I told her I couldnt lie, I eat just as much junk now than ever...if not more. If I dont eat enough during the day my breastmilk suffers and I cant have that...so I eat junk a lot of the time to up my calories faster. :::sigh:::

Then she went to take my blood pressure and things got interesting. She used the normal BP cup and got 89/66. She figured that couldnt be right so she grabbed another cup and retried. This time it was 90 (over something, I always forget the last numbers!). So then she tried the other arm and it again was 89/66. This really bothered them. She asked me how I had been feeling and that's when I told her the rest of my problems. She said she's never really had to deal with this, and she had to step out of the room to talk to the other Midwife in the office. Came back in and told me they were going to run a few tests, the two I heard were to recheck my iron and my thyroid but I had about 8 tests drawn. Hopefully soon they know what the eff is going on. I must say, I am really shocked my blood pressure is so low. Never had this happen before. haha Its always in the 120's on top.

I spoke to my mom about it and she said something about if the numbers of your blood pressure meet up you could have a stroke. She thinks that's why they are concerned.

Anyways, here's my picture from awhile back. I was 16-17 weeks. OH and my BIG ultrasound appt is December 23rd =)

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